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Sep 28, 2020 4 min read

5 Benefits of Online Registration in the Child Care Enrollment Process

Procare By: Procare

The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has shined a light on the importance of flexibility and being able to pivot when regular business channels are disrupted. In the case of child care, an industry whose bread and butter is based on in-person interactions with children, centers have made a lot of changes to their operating model and business practices to increase safety and maintain trust among parents.

One of the key ways centers have done this is by shifting their processes online. An industry known for its “pen and paper” approach, child care has been able to see incredible gains in efficiency by modernizing, which has the added benefit of safety by limiting face-to-face contact.

Perhaps one of the biggest processes we’re seeing go online is registration. Not only do parents prefer it because they can fill out the information in the comfort and safety of their own homes, but also, online registration can be built to sync with child care management software for a more holistic, integrated view of enrollments at your center.

Here are five benefits we’re seeing to child care centers when they use online registration to support their enrollment process:


Safety is one of the most important issues facing child care centers on any given day, but in today’s environment? It’s perhaps the most critical component to the success of a child care business. That’s why digitizing processes is a big focus for many child care businesses to reduce or eliminate the need for in-person interactions and reduce foot traffic into the building. With online registration, parents can fill out the form and provide their payment information from the comfort of their homes.


While child care businesses have a lot of similarities, no center is exactly the same, which is why the ability to customize software is important. Centers can easily configure their registration form using custom fields, ensuring they’re able to capture all the data they need. Customizable online registration forms can also allow for parents to approve any required waivers and create fields to accept registration fees via credit car

Ease of use

Online registration forms are easy to set up and implement, and parents like the fact that they can be filled out anywhere they have an internet connection. Plus, online registration systems can eliminate the need for parents to mail or drop off checks, as they can support a wide range of payment options, including ACH, debit and credit.

Synced data

One of the best advantages of having an online registration system is that if it’s synced to a child care management software platform, it can populate the information parents provide directly into that platform, eliminating the need to re-enter information down the road. It then automatically maps the data to all necessary forms and systems, including registration, waivers, billing and more. When families re-register in the future, it’s easy since their basic information can pre-populate the new form.

Manage leads and capacity

With an integrated online registration platform, centers can track leads through their enrollment pipeline and manage capacity with ease. They can also waitlist families and then approve or decline their enrollment. Once a family is approved, the software can automatically send a customized email to indicate they have been enrolled in the center or program.

Make child care registration effortless with Procare

Procare’s online registration tools are completely integrated with its child care management software platforms, giving child care centers a one-stop-shop for all their enrollment needs. Click here to learn how online registration can help your business increase enrollment and enhance your lead management processes.

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