Child Care Professionals: Share your insights for a chance to win an iPad or gift card!
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Jun 29, 2022 2 min read

Registration is Open for The Business of Child Care Customer Conference!

Courtney McGann By: Courtney McGann

Save the date for July 27 — it’s Procare Solutions’ second annual virtual customer conference! 

This event is a way to connect with Procare product experts and industry leaders to make sure you’re getting the most from your Procare software and have the tools to help your child care business grow. 

This year’s agenda includes sessions featuring important new product enhancements and best practices for growing your center while advancing children’s learning. And you’ll get to learn from an inspiring keynote speaker who will provide tips for managing your own personal growth! Dr. Olivia Remes is a mental health researcher at the University of Cambridge who will share her insights to help you deal with stress. She has spent her career researching mental health and wellbeing and is the author of “The Instant Mood Fix,” a book that brings together this research. 

“Everything we do at Procare is with the child care centers and schools that we serve in mind,” said Tammie Hogan, the company’s chief customer officer.  “For this conference, we have put a tremendous amount of thought into what information will best meet your needs and fit into your busy schedules. We are always listening and always learning from you.”     

You’ll hear from speakers who will share strategies for rebuilding enrollment in the wake of COVID-19, as well as for recruiting, onboarding and retaining your employees.   

Other highlights of the agenda include a Procare product roadmap with everyday tips and tricks, in addition to recent Procare product enhancements and the importance of accreditation.  

Personal growth is an important theme to this year’s conference as well. Procare is celebrating 30 years of growing with you, and our team sees the constant stress you’re under. Your to-do list is long — educating children, finding a curriculum suited to early childhood education and dealing with the business side of your early learning center that includes invoicing, billing and processing tuition payments … and more.  

This conference will cover ways to help in all those areas!  

Registration is open and is free to Procare customers. If you’re already part of the Procare family, check your email for a registration link or send a request to for registration information.  

We hope to (virtually!) see you there! 

Child Care Professionals: Share your insights for a chance to win an iPad or gift card!

Child Care Professionals: Share your insights for a chance to win an iPad or gift card!

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Courtney McGann

Courtney McGann is a Demand Generation Specialist at Procare Solutions, where she works with the team to nurture client relationships and bring in interested potential advocates by providing engaging content and sharing child care industry news, trends and best practices. She is also a new mom who appreciates the child care providers in her life.

Courtney McGann