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Jun 21, 2022 4 min read

A Guide for Child Care Centers on All Things Summer!

Courtney McGann By: Courtney McGann
a little boy wearing goggles sprays himself and a girl behind him with water from a hose

Summer is here!

It’s a really fun time for your child care center. Splash times, outdoor snack times in the shade and maybe even field trips are ways you might be taking advantage of the sun-filled days!

We’ve assembled a quick guide to make sure you’re ready for all that summer brings – the good and the bad!

Keep Parents in the Loop with a Child Care App

Make sure parents know to send water bottles, sunhats, sunscreen and anything else their kids will need to enjoy the summer day. Other items might be towels or even bikes and scooters (with helmets!) so kids can ride outside.

Family engagement in early childhood education is important to make sure everyone is on the same page. As part of your daycare’s family engagement plan, use the Procare mobile app. With this child care app, you can send reminders to parents, either in a message or you can post it to your child’s activity log. Families value a teacher parent communication app.

And don’t forget to ask parents to label everything! 

You might also ask families to send spares of certain items, such as water bottles or an extra change of clothes, so your staff is able to provide kids with what they need, even when busy parents forget. 

Daycare Summer Fun Activities

Be prepared for rainy days. Ask families to bring in large cardboard boxes and turn them into cars your kids can take to a pretend drive-in movie! If your daycare has the space, keep the decorated cars somewhere out of the way so you can pull them out and kids can sit in them to either enjoy an educational show, if your center allows screen time. If you plan ahead for a movie day, send parents a note to tell them what movie you’ll be watching and make sure parents approve. 

Painting rocks, and hiding them, also is a lot of fun for kids of all ages. You likely have plenty of paint on hand, so let kids decorate rocks and you can hide them! Smooth, flat rocks work best. Here’s a blog with more ideas on how to have fun with this project! 

Bubbles are always a hit too! If you don’t want to buy any, check out this bubble-mix recipe used by the London Science Museum for its famous bubble show and uses just three ingredients. 

two children playing with huge bubbles

Stay Healthy

Summer is a great time to make sure your staff is up to date on which kids have allergies. Being outside means a child could be stung by a bee, or exposed to allergens in the air.

With Procare, you can view and print allergy lists by classroom. Make sure you have the medicines you need on hand, and that the proper paperwork in place for parental permission to administer them. 

It’s also a good time to make sure your daycare staff’s CPR certifications are current as well. 

Check your supply closets and make sure you have plenty of Band-Aids, bug spray, sunscreen, hydrocortisone cream, hand soap, ice packs and gauze. Before you do a shopping run or online order, take a look at  Procare’s list of 100 must-have materials and supplies for your child care center to see what else you might need.

And make sure kids and staff drink plenty of water. Dehydration and heat exhaustion are serious, and plenty of water and shade will dramatically reduce the risk of these serious conditions.

How Procare Early Learning Can Help with Summer Activities

screenshot showing a curriculum designed for summer days within the Procare app

Just because the traditional school year is over doesn’t mean learning has to stop!

For many child care centers, it has been a challenge to find ways to keep educating children through the summer months. Many curriculum programs are not designed to go year-round. 

Procare Early Learning Powered by Learning Beyond Paper is an all-new, all-digital curriculum specifically designed to meet the unique needs of educating children from infancy through pre-kindergarten.  

The integration with Procare makes this curriculum program easy to use. New content, training and tools arrive automatically! It’s designed so teachers of all experience levels can understand it easily.  

It includes more than 4,000 daily activities for infants, younger toddlers, older toddlers, preschoolers and pre-kindergarteners.  Check out this blog to see a lesson plan that’s perfect for summer and is designed for young toddlers, who are 1 to 2 years old, and focuses on physical development.

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Courtney McGann

Courtney McGann is a Demand Generation Specialist at Procare Solutions, where she works with the team to nurture client relationships and bring in interested potential advocates by providing engaging content and sharing child care industry news, trends and best practices. She is also a new mom who appreciates the child care providers in her life.

Courtney McGann